Sunday, March 27, 2011

post op hemithyroidectomy

I have spoken about my hemithyroidectomy ad nauseam. I feel it is important to blog about for those who will be going through it soon. I am a nurse and it wasn't any easier on me than it would be on someone else. I had a 2.3 cm nodule that we had been watching for a year. I knew it was there for a longer time but it wasn't until I had difficulty swallowing and felt discomfort that I finally said something to my doctor. The first Fine Needle Aspiration showed that it seemed to be ok. Just needed to watch it. The FNA a year later, after it had grown some, shows multifollicular cells in a pattern. Pathologist recommended it came out. The endocrinologist recommended I call Dr. John Lew at the University of Miami. He specializes in endocrine system surgery. He was an expert. I called and was able to see him three weeks later. My surgical date was another four weeks after that! What a build up. I asked the pre op nurse on the phone if I could have the parking attendant administer the Versed! I arrived at the Sylvester pre op area. The nurses were amazing. Tia, my nurse anesthetist, listened and understood I was fearful of post anesthesia nausea. They gave me a pill, Emend, to stop the nausea receptors. It worked. I woke up in recovery room, no nausea, happy to be alive. A little worried because you feel swelling and discomfort and wonder if you will breath easily. Its a mind game. I kept watching the pulse oximeter and saw the numbers were good. Roxicet helped me through the day. All in all I took about 5 doses including that post op day. I am using tylenol at night now to ensure a good nights rest. This is post op day 5 and I am almost up to speed. I had some post intubation hyper reactive airway issues that I my own issues (most people do not get this). I get it after a cold. Now with the right combo of medicines I am hardly coughing. I will see the PCP tomorrow and may go back to work on Tuesday. The next step is to get the pathology report. If it is positive for cancer then the other side will have to come out. The first two days were rough.. It got easier day by day.

1 comment:

Carin Winkelman said...

Hey Robbie, just in case you lost track: you won my give away for a stitched notebook. Please go to to see where to mail your addy. Thanks for participating and congratulations!
